Sponsored-Schools Visit Program

Started from 2012, the program aims at allowing a comprehensive review of the needs and conditions of schools sponsored by the Foundation, which in turn provides insights into our future projects in education. Our team members brought the children new stationery, repaired school facilities and most importantly, spread Uncle Fai's enthusiasm to help others. 

Team Members’ Sharings

執行董事 王紹基

Mr Ivan Wong

"It usually took us 2 to 3 hours to the schools from city center because of the poor transportation facilities in remote areas. Every time we visited at least 3 or 4 schools, and sometimes we even visited 7 within a day. These were some hard journeys, but instead of complaints,  it was the admiration for Uncle Fai’s tenacity and support for the Foundation’s work that were aroused among the team." 

執行董事 王紹恆

Mr Rex Wong

"The living environment of the children in remote areas concerned our team. However, the lack of resources did not quench the children’s thirst for knowledge and their hope for a better future. The team was all  moved by the children’s positive attitude in dealing with adversity." 

WKF Guangcai Primary School, Shanxi

WKF Guangcai Primary School, Shanxi

Team Member:

“The school environment, quality of teaching, and learning equipment are inadequate. Teachers need to be equipped with the necessary competence to deliver knowledge and skills to the students. Also, as I saw the smiling faces and the curiosity in their eyes, I wondered if they had ever made any contact with the outside world.  They deserve better care.“

Hanchong Kum Shing Primary School, Hunan

Hanchong Kum Shing Primary School, Hunan

Team Member:

“The Foundation’s help in acquiring better equipment for schools in remote and impoverished areas has significantly improved students’ learning. I can feel their happiness; their smiles have become my cure to stress. Our problems are negligible compared to those they face each and every day.”

Lianzhou Shantang Kum Shing Primary School, Guangdong

Lianzhou Shantang Kum Shing Primary School, Guangdong

Team Member:

"It was my first time visiting rural schools. I was attracted by the beautiful scenery along the way, but was awed by the humble yet passionate lifestyle. The students are young, but they give their undivided attention to learning. Despite the poor classroom environment and facilities, students’ pursuit of knowledge is not affected in the least."


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